Thursday, March 11, 2010

the last blog

After reading Alan Moore's graphic novel, I am still unsure of what exactly literature can be defined as. I have always known it as a novel, play, or poetry, but this brings me to question my definition of what it literature. I feel like it should be considered literature because it brings in many important themes and references including: the 1920s, Nazi Germany, the man on the moon, as well as cultural icons like the TV and Mickey Mouse. However, does that really make it literature?
I feel like this graphic novel is so scattered over the place and doesn't really flow together that it is to spastic to be considered literature. It took several readings for me to figure out the meaning or purpose behind its publication, and I am still unsure of what exactly that is.
Although it alludes to Shelley's Frankenstein, it seems to settle more with the TV version that with the novel version. I feel like although it makes an attempt to have an in-depth analysis of the world surrounding us, it falls short of being considered literature.

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